While working with the IOC team and my creative director during my First Day One experience at Amazon. My CD and I were directly reporting to Rebecca Salt for Project Veritas which was the FC Tour Visual Graphics initiative and we had to create an environmental -esque wayfinding experience for the welcome room.
We actioned on creating wall infographics and made the first two wayfinding walls the main attraction with the third wall having interchangeable assets that could be kinked out for localization of each region.
All of the environmental visuals I helped assist in creation and production came to be installed in 45 sites which combined contributed tour attendance of over 322K visitors in 2019. The onsite tours program obviously went on pause in March of 2020 due to covid. After reconnecting with the team that runs these initiatives I now know that the team is just about to launch the virtual tours program where they will once again leverage the FC Tours graphics for the virtual audience.